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Posts classified under: Quality

January 3, 2025
January 3, 2025

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


CAEB foundation


Network's Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extra-curricular activities

Community mobilisation to get all boys and girls into school.

To contribute to the quality of education in Benin, the CAEB is setting up a network of eight (8) documentation centres throughout the country. It also contributes to the quality of education through its learning and capacity-building laboratory in English, German and Spanish.

The CAEB works with the players in the education system, namely the Parents’ Associations, to build their capacity in relation to the new architecture of the Beninese education system.

The extra-curricular activities focus mainly on running educational workshops for schoolgirls and schoolboys on the themes of citizenship education and international solidarity, and education on better menstrual hygiene management for girls in secondary schools.

Health and nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

CAEB’s work on nutrition is carried out in the community, in direct contact with women and children aged 0 to 5.

To prevent malnutrition in rural and pre-urban communities, CAEB implements nutritional monitoring activities for children aged 0-5 years. This involves monitoring weight, measuring brachial perimeter and educating pregnant women, mothers and mothers-to-be about high nutritional value food combinations for both mother and child.

The CAEB tackles the issue of nutrition through culinary demonstrations and by raising awareness among mothers and fathers of children. During the demonstration sessions, local products with high nutritional value, ignored or neglected by the communities, are highlighted and cooked in front of the women and tasted by the children. Women are also shown nutritional recovery foods and how to prepare enriched porridge. They are strongly encouraged and supported to reproduce these dishes in their homes.

Protection against abuse

  • Awareness
  • Raising awareness

To publicise its PSEA (Politique de lutte contre le harcèlement et les abus sexuels – policy against sexual harassment and abuse), the CAEB organises discussion, awareness-raising and information sessions for its staff and beneficiaries. These sessions take place in communities or at the various CAEB sites (at the national headquarters and in the branches).

Asos raises awareness of children’s rights.

Community Development

  • Community leadership

As part of the implementation of its project to combat malnutrition, the CAEB has identified and trained village nutrition relays who support the communities in nutritional monitoring activities for children aged 0 to 5. They take over from the CAEB social workers in implementing the activities.


Support for the promotion of citizenship education in schools ‘OVIDAGBE

Projet objective

Help promote children’s civic participation in the life of their school and community in the Ouémé department.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

One of the project’s main activities is running educational workshops for schoolchildren in extra-curricular activities. It’s a fun and educational space, offering children a practical experience that complements and enriches their knowledge of sustainable development and global citizenship. The workshops are run every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm, under the supervision of CAEB facilitators, by trained teachers. The pupils targeted by the workshops are those in CE2 and CM1 classes in each of the ten target schools. They are aged between 8 and 10.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





December 19, 2024
December 19, 2024

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


ASOS's Creation


Network's Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extra-curricular activities

ASOS, in partnership with communities and educational and administrative authorities, is taking action to promote access to basic education for children in precarious situations. This is achieved by improving the school environment and strengthening the education system.

In order to guarantee quality education, ASOS focuses on building the capacity of teachers and improving teaching tools in state primary schools.

ASOS identifies, sets up if necessary, revitalises and provides technical support to local school management structures.

With their ‘entertain to educate’ approach, ASOS conducts fun activities known as ‘bridges’ to promote the integration and return to school of children under the age of 16.

Health and nutrition

  • Indirect intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

ASOS carries out mobile medico-nutritional activities in many districts where there is a nutritional alert. These activities are led by doctors to provide local and inclusive care to vulnerable groups, including children under 5, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly.

The association provides regular medical check-ups for schoolchildren, as well as targeted awareness-raising campaigns on nutritional issues linked to school health.

ASOS treats cases of moderate and severe acute malnutrition and refers complicated cases to nutritional rehabilitation centres.

Protection against abuse

  • Support
  • Raising awareness

ASOS works with care centres to refer cases and provide feedback to the community.

Asos raises awareness of children’s rights.

Community Development

  • Income-generating activities
  • Community leadership
  • Social work

ASOS sets up, trains, supports and accompanies women’s groups and village savings and loan associations.

ASOS indentifie, séléctionne et renforce la capacité des 50 OSC et organisations communautaires de base (OCB) dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar sur le leadership humanitaire.

ASOS is setting up socio-organisers in the communes to observe and support the implementation of community action plans.



Projet objective

CLASSES (Contribution Large à l’Amélioration de la Scolarisation, de la Santé et de l’Environnement des Enfants autour des communautés minières à Sakaraha)

Improving access to quality education and developing initiatives and frameworks favourable to the exercise of children’s fundamental rights.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

To achieve these objectives, the project will seek to respond to the priority needs identified, in particular by improving the school environment (appropriate infrastructure, sanitation, access to water, libraries, etc.), training teachers, strengthening school governance, involving parents, school support programmes and school health, and reducing the cost of schooling to ease family burdens, etc.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
December 18, 2024
December 18, 2024

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


Network's Birth


AJEPEC's Creation


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Quality
  • Extra-curricular activities

Assistance in the form of donations of school kits will help to reduce the financial barriers to education and reduce the inequalities in access to quality education linked to their socio-economic situation. In addition, courses will be organised for candidates taking the Certificat d’Étude Primaire to improve their academic performance and increase their chances of passing this important exam.

Organisation of fun, educational workshops based on the Educ’Art approach.


Hope Children Art : Les Bibous

Project objective

To promote artistic expression by strengthening access to education, culture and the protection of the rights of vulnerable children in order to help them prepare for their future.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Organisation of awareness-raising and artistic training workshops for the 400 schoolchildren benefiting from the project: This will involve organising fun and educational training workshops based on the Educ’Art approach. These activities will take place in the eight (08) schools in the project’s four communes. Cultural facilitators will facilitate these workshops. Each facilitator will be responsible for two clubs made up of 25 schoolchildren, who will receive training kits each year. Each club will have two 2-hour sessions per week. These workshops will take place on Wednesday evenings, Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, which are recreational times in these schools. A teaching guide will be made available to each facilitator at the beginning of the year, followed by a timetable and a schedule for the course. Each school will be equipped with a mini PA system (loudspeaker + two microphones) and costumes (artistic clothing).

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


Network's Birth


Le Village d'EVA's Creation


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Advocacy

Through its “street school” initiative, Le Village d’EVA provides basic knowledge and skills to children aged 3 to 16 years-old who are excluded from the formal school system.

Le Village d’EVA advocates for better access to education in Mayotte and engages with the population about children’s rights.

Health and nutrition

  • Prevention

Le Village d’EVA offers a health education program whose aim is to prevent health risks and promote better health practices.

Community Development

  • Social Work

Le Village d’EVA assists families in school enrolment procedures.


Project for school achievement in Mayotte

Projet objective

Contribute to children’s education in Mayotte by improving access to school for those failing school or excluded from the school system, and by raising their awareness about maintaining good health.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • School Management
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular Activities

INEPE manages a school with classrooms for early stimulation, basic general education and the unified general baccalaureate through the methodology of popular education.

INEPE carries out constant research work that allows the design, maintenance and promotion of virtual courses accessible to Spanish-speaking teachers.

Weekly multi-age workshops are organised (yoga, aikido, aerial dance, musical ensemble, artistic drawing, painting and handicrafts) as well as a musical talent education programme based on the Suzuki methodology.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Direct Intervention
  • Nutrition

INEPE carries out workshops on sexual education for adolescents and young people.

INEPE provides psychological therapies, counselling, therapeutic and healing processes through alternative medicine for students and their families.

Every year, children and adolescents in vulnerable situations benefit from a healthy daily diet prepared directly in the INEPE canteen and coming for the most part from the organisation’s school and community vegetable garden.


Strengthening the quality of education for the integral development of children and adolescents at the INEPE Education Unit.

Project's Objective

Contributing to the integral and harmonious development of children, young people, adults and communities with limited economic resources in the south of Quito.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project Beneficiairies

Bénéficiaires directs





Indirect Beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partner’s Creation


Partage’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

The organisation organises training for teachers and school staff in order to improve the quality of teaching in AUEED schools and in other schools in the intervention zone.

The organisation has set up subsidy systems to enable the poorest households to send their children to AUEED schools, which are of better quality than public schools.

The AUEED have a network of several private schools in Upper Egypt, that allows children from more remote and poor community to have access to an education of great quality.

AUEED manages community centers that allows children to have access to cultural and sport activities (for instance, Theatre, Journalism, Library, Music, Scientific, Scouts, Community Service, practical activities, sport and Tahteeb).

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

At the beginning of each school year, AUEED test its schools’ students to detect malnourishment issues and nutritional deficiencies. Based on this test, a specific care is given.

Every school day, children identified with malnourishment and nutritional deficiences are given a meal designed by a nutritionist, as well as food supplement if needed.


Supporting health and education in Menya and Assiut.

Projet objective

Children in Menya and Assiut have access to Quality Education and Health

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project Beneficiaries

Bénéficiaires directs





Indirects beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Date of creation and start of the partnership


Partage Creation


Partage Creation


Creation of the partner


Birth of the network


Beginning of the partnership with Partage


Renewal of the Network through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management

ADEMA organizes awareness-raising activities (spots, debates, events) on free education, school age and compulsory schooling, particularly for girls. Adema provides students with classic supplies and adapted textbooks.

ADEMA implements a training plan for inspectors, educational advisers, school directors, teachers and school councils.

ADEMA contributes to the capacity building of the 3 School District Offices (training, accompaniment, material support for the Principal Inspectors and Zone Inspectors).

Community Development

  • Community Leadership

ADEMA energizes and supports School Councils (management committees, parents and students) and promotes the involvement of parents in the life of the school and the community.


Appui à la revalorisation et à l’amélioration de la qualité de l’offre éducative publique dans le département du Nord-Ouest d’Haïti

Projet objective

Access to quality basic education for all is improved by upgrading the national schools in the three school districts of the Lower North-West region.

Emblematic Activity Presentation

Implementation of the School Improvement Plan (PAE) development process: In order to identify the improvements that need to be made to the school, a diagnosis to collect and analyse information about the school and its students will be carried out involving all the actors (internal and external) of the school. Two questionnaires will be administered in each school for this purpose. The “Director’s Questionnaire”, which covers the characteristics of the school and the activities of the school director. The “Teacher Questionnaire” which is intended for a group of teachers in the school, with a view to collecting information on their activities and teaching function

Beneficiaries of the project

Direct beneficiaries




Indirect beneficiaries




July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE

Community Development

  • Social Work
  • Community Leadership
  • Income-generating activities

Publication of the handbook of associations in Lebanon, working with groups of parents with a common experience, working with the core group of parents to defend the cause of any child with a disability before society and state authorities and working with the siblings group of children to help them overcome difficulties with their brother or sister in a situation of disability and defend their cause in society.

SESOBEL is an active member of a lobbying group with the various ministries to ensure the needs of associations working with people with disabilities.

The centres of help through work or work of young people with disabilities and the mothers of the children.


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities
  • School Management

To enable children with disabilities to receive an education adapted to their specific needs.

To provide children with disabilities with quality education of the highest standards through adapted pedagogical approaches.

Organize cultural and recreational outings for children with disabilities, in order to give them access to different places and activities.

SESOBEL welcomes children with special needs directly into its classes from kindergarten to the end of high school.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition
  • Special Needs

SESOBEL has quality medical facilities and highly qualified staff at its centre to provide the children with the regular care they need.

SESOBEL prevents disability-related nutritional disorders ranging from severe undernutrition to morbid obesity. Children or adults with physical disabilities, multiple disabilities or progressive illnesses are at high risk of developing swallowing disorders that lead to undernutrition. A multidisciplinary team made up of doctors, speech therapists and dieticians is required to diagnose eating disorders as well as the management, which is important to avoid complications such as enteral feeding. Similarly, obesity among young people with disabilities, such as those with Down’s syndrome, puts them at risk of developing medical problems. Prevention of these problems is important through a healthy, varied and diversified diet.

SESOBEL provides parents with information on healthy eating through parental guidance and training.

SESOBEL welcomes different types of disabilities: motor, intellectual (including Down’s syndrome), multiple disabilities and autism. SESOBEL offers care adapted to the needs of these children and young people. Their nutrition is under the supervision of a dietician who makes sure that each child receives an adequate diet (ground food, diet for diabetes, obesity…).


Development of educational programmes

Project objective

Ensure the development of children with disabilities in all aspects of their lives and promote their social integration.

Emblematic activity presentation

“Inclusion of children with disabilities in public schools, a pilot and pioneering project in Lebanon. This project was born to meet the needs of children with slight disorders or difficulties in learning and requiring early education. However, these children with intellectual, sensory or motor disabilities, chronic illnesses, mild or moderate cerebral palsy, or with learning disorders or difficulties at school have higher learning abilities than children integrated in special education centres.

Moreover, the country’s school system was not adapted to the needs of these children: class size, traditional teaching method, overcrowded curriculum, lack of para-medical staff. SESOBEL, took the lead and started in October 2006 the School Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in collaboration with the public primary school in Jezzine in South Lebanon. The overall goal of inclusion is to ensure the good development of the child in an inclusive context by working with families, schools and the environment. It has two systems of inclusion:

1- Total Inclusion with learners with disorders or difficulties in a regular class: the student spends all his time in school, except for possible therapeutic supports that could take place in school or outside.

2- Partial Inclusion with learners with an intellectual or motor disability in a specialized class within the school: the student spends only part of the normal school time. At the other time, he follows other activities with appropriate re-education.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirects beneficiaries





July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality

Racines promotes and increases the participation of parents in the education of their children (e.g. through the coordination of Parents Associations), the organisation also monitors children who have dropped out of school.

Racines builds the capacity of education actors (teachers, directors, Parents Associations, pedagogical advisors). Racines also works on the improvement of teaching materials, provision of school supplies, tutoring and the participation of children in the governance of schools.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Racines manages the ADIS health centre in Cotonou (HIV/AIDS treatment).

The promotion of health is done at school (by teachers, children and parents), Racines also organizes training for teachers and health committees.

Racines organizes the training and follow-up of women restaurateurs in schools through school canteens (on the nutritional values of food for example) and carries out culinary demonstrations.

Protection from Abuses

  • Awareness

Racines organizes awareness-raising sessions and radio broadcasts and puts a strong emphasis on empowering children to defend their rights.


Project to strengthen educational provision for children in the communes of Savalou and Bantè

Project objective

Helping to improve the educational offer in the municipalities of Savalou and Bantè

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Organization of tutorials in the 36 partner schools for the benefit of children in 5th grade (last primary class): RACINES implements several activities of socio-scholastic support for the children of the partner schools of Savalou and Bantè. Among these activities, the organization of tutorials for the benefit of children in 5th grade classes is a major part. The tutorials are initiated in order to better equip the candidates of the 36 partner schools for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and enable them to face the different tests they will be submitted to in the best conditions. For the first year of the three-year project (2019), 288 sessions have been organized in the schools concerned with very satisfactory and encouraging results. Obtaining the Primary School Certificate is an essential step in the child’s learning process and a main objective for RACINES. The success of the CEP makes it possible to measure the efficiency of all RACINES interventions, as it reflects a change in the school cycle and therefore a change of direction for the child.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partner’s Creation


Partage’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE E

Community Development

  • Social Work

Social workers, present in the MSL centres, constantly monitor the beneficiary families and help them to face their difficulties and find solutions to their problems.


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

The MS works in two neighbourhoods of Beirut, Sin El Fil and Jnah, which are home to many of the poor migrants and refugees in the Lebanese capital. The children in these neighbourhoods come from underprivileged families, often unable to assist them in their studies, and the tutoring offered by the MS helps them stay in school and benefit from their education.

The link made with the schools where the children attend allows a constant follow-up of the difficulties encountered by the pupils, and to offer them support adapted to their problems and constraints. Furthermore, in Jnah, the MSL has organised a kindergarten on its premises for the youngest children.

On Saturdays and during the holidays, the MSL organizes various cultural and sports activities for the children benefiting from its programmes.

Protection from Abuse

  • Awareness

The MSL organizes training and awareness-raising sessions for parents on the themes of positive parenting and intra-family communication.


Around the School: Education and Leisure Activities

Project's Objective

Reduce inequalities in access to education, leisure and civic participation of children and young people in difficulty (girls and boys) by giving them access to quality educational opportunities and social and human support.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

In Lebanon, the school system provides homework and lessons that require support at home. However, the majority of our beneficiary families do not have the necessary level to help them, nor the means to pay for private lessons, nor the quiet place to study. As a result, tutoring is an extra-curricular follow-up carried out at the Social Movement with the aim of promoting the children’s academic success and development. They come from school, have their meals with their friends at the Centres and then begin their studies. The sessions are devoted to the relearning of notions and methods that they have not managed to assimilate. They also include individual follow-up work by the educator who will be able to answer questions from each other, in groups of 12 to 15 students depending on the class. In addition, there is also coordination with schools for more relevant follow-up and social and psychological support to ensure their well-being.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries



