Year of Creation and Start of Partnership
Orientation of school tasks and complementary exercises, group attendance and playful workshops of oral and written language and logical mathematical reasoning, monitoring of school performance (visits to families and schools).
Multiplication workshops held by the project’s adolescents in schools and community associations. Application of human and citizen training workshops in partner public schools.
Reading tent and literary exhibition, artistic and cultural production courses, cross-cutting themes, workshops and sports tournaments, commemorative and birthday festivities, summer camp, talent festival, cultural and leisure outings.
Health and Nutrition
Thematic meetings on Education and development of children and adolescents, sustainability , environment, gender equity, entrepreneurship, health and welfare, “running for health”.
The children have a daily meal at the project, the mothers prepare the snack . Stimulation to plant small home gardens and healthy food.
Community Development
Young people in action (youth volunteering), advice and coordination with community associations and other local institutions. Social actions that seek the expansion of citizenship, the construction and expansion of fundamental rights; Workshop on rights and duties, statute of children and adolescents, positive values; culture of peace (drug prevention); guidance to families and referrals.
Family monitoring visits, monthly meetings with families, productive workshops with families. Public Acts: caravans and demonstrations in the communities on dates alluding to the rights of children and adolescents.
Project beneficiaries
Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries