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The highlights of the Partage RISE network

Because a living network is a network that gathers around common moments and objectives, since 2020, the network has decided to gather around a common event, on a date that has an important meaning for all members: 20 November, the International Day for the Rights of the Child.

With a view to inclusion and emancipatory education, children from member organisations and children taking part in local volunteer projects are invited to illustrate their rights.

It’s obviously a time for sharing between all the participating children from the four corners of the world, who discover each other’s achievements through photos, drawings, murals, videos or stories that are translated into the four working languages of PARTAGE: French, English, Spanish and Portuguese, so that everyone can have access to the contributions and testimonies of the other participants.

Reéalisation d'un dessin sur les Droits de l'Enfant par l'AHEED en Egypte


2nd event Partage RISE

The concept of the 2021 edition was the same as the previous year. Once again, many children took part.

With this brochure, we can see, through the pen, the lens or the eye of children, the diversity of contexts and situations they are
they face. Their testimonies also show how aware these children and young people are of their rights, how much respect they have for them and how far they still have to go.

>See the 2021 Photo Expo brochure

Brochure expo photos Partage RISE n°2
Brochure expo photos Partage RISE n°1


1st event Partage RISE

For this first event, each organisation had to submit a photo, a montage, a drawing or even a collage of photos to tell a story!

There were four subjects to choose from: the right to education, the right to health, the right to freedom of expression or the right to leisure.

The photo had to be taken by a group of children or teenagers taking part in the activities of a member of the network.

The photo had to be accompanied by a “making of” photo, taken by an adult, and a caption written by the children explaining why they had chosen this or that right, describing their image and giving the first names and ages of the participants, as well as the date and place where the photo was taken.

> See the 2020 Photo expo brochure