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December 17, 2024

Testimonial: Improving children’s well-being for better school results, with RACINES in Benin

Marie Benketaf: Hello, can you introduce yourself and the context of this action?

Tobias Gbaguidi: Hello, I’m Tobias Gbaguidi, Programmes Unit Manager at RACINES, PARTAGE’s partner in Benin. This project is part of our three-year plan PRiED 2023-2025 (Programme Intégré d’Education) supported by PARTAGE.
With the aim of contributing to quality education in the Collines department, RACINES has, for several years now, had a policy of providing health care for the children of partner schools in Savalou and Bantè, our area of intervention. We have initiated a mobile medical consultation to treat children suffering from eye problems.

Marie Benketaf: Can you tell us how this activity came about?

Tobias Gbaguidi: There were three stages.

The first was to identify the children likely to benefit from monitoring, which was done by the directors and their deputies under the supervision of the management team, who validated and authorised the initiative. The result is significant: 117 children in our partner schools suffer from eye pain!

The second stage involved more in-depth analysis. Suspected’ cases were confirmed by means of a more detailed, complementary examination. A follow-up table was drawn up, showing the identity of each child, his or her school and class, and listing the suspicions and then the confirmation following diagnosis.
The in-depth examination identified 50 children with very high needs.

Thirdly, we organised an appointment for each child with a specialist ophthalmologist. A more precise diagnosis was then made for each child, indicating the remedies required: glasses, ophthalmological treatment and sometimes additional examinations in the capital (Cotonou).

Finally, we were able to assist the families according to the needs identified. For the most minor cases, medicines were made available quickly and distributed to the parents. 11 children were fitted with corrective lenses at the start of the 2024 school year, enabling them to read more easily in class. Finally, for children who needed further tests, RACINES also took care of them, much to the delight of the children and their parents.

Marie Benketaf: What advice can you give to PARTAGE RISE network partners who would like to set up an activity of this kind?

Tobias Gbaguidi: It’s important to think ahead, as RACINES has just done. This helps to avoid a worsening of the children’s health situation, in a context where their parents are financially unable to pay for routine consultations or annual health check-ups.

Interview by Marie BENKETAF, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager