- School Management
- Quality
- Extracurricular activities
Health and Nutrition
- Prevention
- Nutrition
- Direct Intervention

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership
INEPE manages a school with classrooms for early stimulation, basic general education and the unified general baccalaureate through the methodology of popular education.
INEPE carries out constant research work that allows the design, maintenance and promotion of virtual courses accessible to Spanish-speaking teachers.
Weekly multi-age workshops are organised (yoga, aikido, aerial dance, musical ensemble, artistic drawing, painting and handicrafts) as well as a musical talent education programme based on the Suzuki methodology.
Health and Nutrition
INEPE carries out workshops on sexual education for adolescents and young people.
INEPE provides psychological therapies, counselling, therapeutic and healing processes through alternative medicine for students and their families.
Every year, children and adolescents in vulnerable situations benefit from a healthy daily diet prepared directly in the INEPE canteen and coming for the most part from the organisation’s school and community vegetable garden.
Project Beneficiairies
Bénéficiaires directs
Indirect Beneficiaries