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July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE

Community Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Training of young peer educators in villages, towns and schools, training of school leaders and Parents Association, advocacy with community leaders, parents, teachers and local decision makers.

The Dispensaire Trottoir provides support and social follow-up to beneficiary families.


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

The Dispensaire Trottoir supports the schooling of children in the city’s schools and provides school kits to children.

To improve the quality of education, the Dispensaire Trottoir provides support to improve teaching conditions in partner schools and accompanies pupils with learning difficulties.

The Dispensaire Trottoir manages the functioning of the Safielba centre which is the organization’s nursery school.

The Dispensaire Trottoir organizes outings for relaxation and discovery with the kindergarten students.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prévention
  • Nutrition

The Dispensaire Trottoir manages the functioning of a health and reception centre for the beneficiary families. The organisation also accompanies people living with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis patients (while also actively searching for tuberculosis patients) and carries out the follow-up of Maternal and Child Protection.

The Dispensaire Trottoir carries out awareness and prevention work on STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Covid19 in schools. It also organizes vocational training workshops in the neighbourhoods and villages.

The Dispensaire Trottoir manages the operation of spirulina ponds and organizes the distribution of meals to kindergarten children, neighbouring school children and families at high risk. The organization also runs a Nutritional Recovery Center for children aged 0 to 2 years.


Improvement of the living conditions of orphans / other vulnerable children and people infected by HIV/AIDS in the district N°7 and the surrounding villages of the city of Bobo Dioulasso.

Project Objective

Contribute to improving the living conditions of vulnerable populations in Bobo-Dioulasso for a better socio-economic integration, especially those of orphans and other vulnerable children.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Children’s Schooling: this is one of the activities that best defines the Dispensaire Trottoir. Our country has a very low schooling rate and this is a serious handicap. The underprivileged section of the population is the most affected by this problem. Our association, through a system of sponsorship, manages to give the desire to carry a backpack to orphaned children, destitute, from precarious backgrounds. These children, often taken in from an early age, are able to continue their education from kindergarten to 18 years old. This programme is based on a rotation system that allows the maximum number of children to benefit. Through this programme, we have trained several children who are, now that they are adults, either workshop owners or public officials. This inspires us and makes us proud and above all nourishes our commitment to continue our activities because outside many children are waiting for this chance.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





indirect beneficiaries





July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School Management
  • Extracurricular Activities

The management of school scholarships by Bel Avenir ensures the schooling of hundreds of students in public schools or in the two schools of the NGO, moreover the organisation favours the participation of the Public Primary Schools in the educational stays (Green Classes – Farm School) of Mangily.

Bel Avenir provides support for quality education in the two schools of the NGO with continuous teacher training (didactic, language and pedagogical trainings) coupled with environmental education and biodiversity protection (Wildlife Conservation Center in Mangily; Belalanda Mangrove Rehabilitation Area and educational stays in the Mangily Educational and Environmental Center + Fianarantsoa Farm School).

Bel Avenir directly manages two schools: the School “des Salines” (Ankalika district) and the School “des Saphires” (Antsohamadiro).

Bel Avenir promotes arts, sports and culture throughout the city of Tuléar. The organization allows access to a multitude of extra-curricular activities via the Socio-Educational and Musical Reception Centre (CASEM) and the Sports School.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct Intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Bel Avenir takes care of serious cases of beneficiaries of the programs, distributing meals in our canteens and nutritional supplements such as Moringa.

Bel Avenir carries out several awareness-raising actions on, in particular, early pregnancies, hygiene rules and malnutrition.

Support program for the nutrition of children in vulnerable situations through the operation of two Nutrition Centers (CENUT) in the city of Tuléar.

Community Development

  • Income-generating activities
  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Ad hoc activities to support women in the manufacture of balloons made of recycled paper.

Bel Avenir promotes community leadership through its Center for Integral Autonomy of Women (CAIF).

Bel Avenir carries out social follow-up of beneficiary children and welcomes young girls who have broken up with their families in the social home. An allocation of school scholarships based on social criteria is also available.


Educational support for vulnerable children and children at risk of working in the Salines district, Tuléar.

Project Objective

To contribute to the training of young people (subject to the risks of child labour) who are educated, responsible, committed and active in Malagasy society.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Music is a motor of sensory and psychological awakening but also a source of convivial sharing. Poverty is the mother of many vices – not attending school, dropping out and dropping out of school, child labour, resignation of parental authority – which in turn will have consequences that will only aggravate this situation of poverty and underdevelopment.

The project of Casem is to ensure that as many young people as possible, especially young girls, are able to emerge from precariousness and promote themselves. To do this, the NGO Bel avenir has chosen to carry out this project using music and arts within reach. The centre came into being following the formation of the “Malagasy Gospel” choir and the batucada group “Bloco Malagasy”, both of which are groups reserved for young girls in the fight against early pregnancy and the promotion of gender equity. Then will follow the capoeiristas ” Roda Malagasy ” (in 2010), the brass band ” Malagasy marching Band ” (in 2012), the circus school ” Malagasy Circus ” (in 2013) and the puppeteers ” Les Géants de Tuléar ” (in 2015) as well as secondary activities such as piano, guitar, violin and cello lessons which are in expansion. At CASEM, art and music are used as effective means to convey awareness and educational messages to the beneficiaries and the general population, during public performances and during our intercultural exchanges. The exchanges are part of the ESIP programme (Education for International Solidarity and Peace), in Madagascar and around the world, in Europe, America and also in Africa. With the tours and exchanges of our groups, such as La Malagasy Gospel or La Bloco, the objective is to educate and raise awareness about child exploitation and children’s rights through music and different cultural activities.

In environments with little schooling, young people are more inclined to hang out in the streets without a clear direction and to engage in illicit and illegal activities but also become idle. Art and music are used in the centre as playful activities, but more importantly, as a means of education and sharing. They allow young people to have fun and to have the opportunity to practice an activity that they enjoy, to engage in a voice that will benefit them and their families. However, it is still very important to ensure that these activities are part of everyone’s education, as members are or should be in school, or at the very least follow a training course in order to have a perspective for the future.

Project Beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

VAHATRA promotes access to education through the payment of school fees for beneficiary children.

VAHATRA organizes tutoring sessions.

VAHATRA organizes monthly extra-curricular workshops for children and teenagers.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention

VAHATRA takes care of urgent and serious cases, creation of mutual health insurance.

Protection from Abuses

  • Raising Awareness

Social accompaniment of parents through individualized follow-up at home and participation in regular exchange workshops welcoming different parents.

Community Development

  • Income-generating activities
  • Social Work

Access to micro-credit for families according to a protocol and elaborate follow-up/repayment modalities.

Social support for vulnerable families in relation to their access to micro-credit.


Improvement of the living conditions of children from families that are already partners of the organisation.

Project Objective

Contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of children from families already partners of the organization in the regions of Vakinankaratra and Itasy.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

VAHATRA’s main objective is the sustainable improvement of the living conditions of poor families by promoting the development of their autonomy on the financial and economic, structural, social and health levels. To this end, a methodology based on a global approach to the problems encountered by families has been developed.

The microcredit service thus gives vulnerable families wishing to improve their situation the opportunity to benefit from concrete advice, training and loans to enable them to start or develop an Income-Generating Activity.

A part of the families receiving loans, among whom we identify or who express difficulties such as problems of domestic violence, schooling of children, access to contraception, lack of administrative documents … is supported by social support that allows us to provide concrete responses to the problems they encounter. We thus carry out individual follow-up activities for families at home, social permanence, workshops with children and teenagers, awakening workshops for mothers and their youngest child, educational activities with children and exchanges with their parents.

The economic support, combined with actions and complementary and personalized social follow-up, ensure tangible progress for the families and help them improve their lives and become more independent, despite the difficulties of daily life.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Quality

SARD improves the learning Level outcomes of the children through supporting State Governments (designing the curriculum or Learning enchancement Programme) but also through Capacity building of Mentors implementing district and Block resources team (including teachers), Technology Integration in class room process and promoting e-content, value based teaching, Life skills and Inclusive education.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention

Health covers the following areas –Routine Immunization, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Nutrition awareness, Malnutrition, HIV/AIDs/STI awareness, Eye and Dental camps. SARD does prevention through different thematics : Personal hygiene practices, school and community Sanitation, infrastructure development and advocacy to compliance the Standard operating procedures or the National guidelines of Govt. of India on sanitation, Promoting Behaviour change communication related activities/ events, curriculum on WASH from Pre primary to 5th grade, WASH apps with interactive materials.

Protection from Abuses

  • Awareness

Awareness and protection from abuse is included in all the programme and while designing iEC or advocacy with any agency, it is kept in mind. SARD is also running 24X7 helplines for the children (Promotion of child rights, Child labor reduction, Implementation of Child Policy).

Community development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Social Work

Sustainable livelihood measures through new start-ups and engaging in income generation activities through thrift and credit groups with requisite training, Economic empowerment on a sustainable mode by linking with government schemes, nationalized banks like NABARD and having self-propelling mechanisms in place benefitting mostly women and youth and Develop their entrepreneurial and marketing skills / Youth counselling on to choose right trade for skill building.

Skill enhancement training on soft and hard skills, Linkage with vendors, banks for supporting, Youth counselling.


To contribute in Holistic development of children of slums and villages in Moradabad

Project Objective

By 2021,

*Improve the learning level outcomes of the children enrolled at elementary level,

*Improve the access and quality of maternal and child health services,

* Promote nutrition and WASH practices in schools and communities in Early Childhood Care Centers,

*Promote community based child protection mechanism

*Strengthening organizational communication strategy and portfolio

Presentation of an emblematic activity

* 40 District level key officials of likeminded departments oriented on program goals and convergence,

* 150 students received Remedial classes support,

*96 government school teachers, Block Resource coordinators participated in training and exposures,

* 1614 children and adults received the benefit of Health Check up camps and benefited through free medicines,

* 60 School Management Committee and Child Protection Commitee members were strengthened,

* 38 youths were supported through English proficiency and personality development classes,

*500 beneficiaries reached out indirectly through school enrollment drive,

*35 Early childhood care workers and their supervisors skills were enhance through Quiz competition,

*553 adolescents were strengthened through sessions on issues anaemia and menstrual hygiene management and Access to sanitary napkin,

*130 children participated in Hand washing demonstration and WASH quiz program received WASH kits,

*120 above community outreached through puppet show display on Child labor involved in electronic garbage works.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

Maeecha promotes access to education through the operation of the Maeecha Community School of Adda (ECMA), the distribution of school kits to the 12500 pupils of Nyumakele and thanks to the operation of the Maeecha Vocational Integration Centre.

Maeecha organizes initial and in-service training for teachers as well as support for pedagogical supervisors.

Maeecha organises the strengthening of school management through school councils.

Maeecha organizes activities to awaken the children of Nyumakele.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition
  • Special needs

Maeecha takes care of urgent health cases.

Maeecha organizes awareness sessions on school and family hygiene.

Food support in two canteens ECMA and Mrijou.

Maeecha organizes teacher training on inclusive education in the 25 PPEs of Nyumakele.

Community Development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Community Leadership

Support to women harvesters from Ylang to Moheli.

Local development programme in Moroni (communes of Mitsamiouli and Nyumakomo).


Support programme for quality inclusive education in the Nyumakele Region, involving local stakeholders.

Project Objective

Helping to improve the educational offer in Nyumakele

Presentation of an emblematic activity

In order to provide access to schooling for the most disadvantaged but also to involve the community in the management of the school, MAEECHA supports parents and school councils to subscribe to the educational policy carried by the Ministry of National Education, aiming at structuring public pre-elementary education with the involvement of the community and communes.

This support contributes to the achievement of goal 4 of sustainable development: “Ensure equal access to quality education for all and promote opportunities for lifelong learning”, in particular target 4.2: “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development and care services and to pre-school education that prepares them for primary education”.

Therefore, MAEECHA has set up a range of actions to achieve this objective

  • Regular sensitization of the community on the need to enrol children from the age of 4 years in nursery classes in order to promote access to education for all;
  • Encouragement of parents and school principals to enrol children before the start of the school year, while respecting the ratio defined by the education authorities;
  • Stimulation of parents to take the initiative in supporting nursery school teachers in the smooth running of classes.
  • Commitment by parents to closely monitor their children’s education and to develop a real partnership of proximity with teachers, principals and school councils.
  • Commitment by parents to pay regular contributions to enable the school to operate independently but also to pay the salaries of female teachers who are not integrated into the civil service.
  • Organisation by the pedagogical service of regular initial and continuing training of instructors on classroom practice,
  • Regular organization of close monitoring Thanks to these actions:
  • The number of kindergarten classes has increased from 18 in 2017 to 28 classes in 2020…
  • Kindergarten enrolments increased from 407 to 830 between 2014 and 2020.
  • Gender parity for girls and boys has been stabilized at equal parity since 2015.
  • Pupils move on to the first grade with significantly higher skills and achievements than other pupils who did not attend kindergarten.
  • Nyumakele instructors are models in the eyes of their counterparts on the island, and are called upon to accompany training courses in the regions.
  • Parents are more attentive, participate and get involved in the organisation of extra-curricular activities, especially school outings and end-of-year celebrations”.

Project Beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirects beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management

Bandos Komar does enrolment campaign, awareness raising on education and also provides school uniforms to children.

Bandos Komar organizes remedial classes, teaching and learning materials but also provides study materials and teacher training, school infrastructure rehabilitation, promotes the use and the access of libraries for the children and promote of life skills and “child friendly schools”.

Bandos Komar does capacity building of school directors but also develop school management commitees, children councils and child to child activities.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Bandos Komar does prevention directly at school by peer to peer activities but also through capacity building of teachers about hygiene and health, Awarness campaign, first aid kit and hygiene items distribution.

Community Pre-School breakfast, improvement and rehabilitation of safe drinking water and sanitation infrastructure.

Community Development

  • Community Leadership

Capacity building of community leader but also parenting education in core groups.


Improved Access and Quality of Early Childhood Care and Development and basic education

Project Objective

By 2021, All children in target area, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized ones, enjoy their right to have access to quality education services and are adequately become human capital for sustainable development of society.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Empower children council on role & responsibility using child to child approach.

The empowerment of child council will equip the children with soft skills and hard skills in complement to studying at primary school and lower secondary school. Bando Komar has cooperated with provincial education, youth and sport office (PoEYS) and District Education office (DoE) and district technical monitoring team (DTMT), school director and teacher strengthened the capacity of children council at primary and lower secondary school. Moreover, the children council has played a very important role to enhance teaching and learning quality, leadership and child enrolment at school, and preschool etc.

The Child to Child approach that is powerful approach that Bandos Komar used to strengthening the children council and its function and those children can educate to other children effectively in school as well as in the community. Bandos Komar organizes the training to children council group on Child-to-Child approach (CtC) on (1) Choose a topic or identify the concerned issue in the school and as well in community and also let them understand better about something that they have already experienced (2) Study: make children analyze and Develop a real understanding of problems or issues (3) Discuss: Talk over the solutions (4) Plan action: Decide on the best course of action, plan this and learn the necessary skills and (5) Act/implementation and (6) Evaluate the effects of the action taken and do better next time.

In addition to understanding concept of Chid-to Child Approach, BK provides the training to children council on structure, operation and role and responsibility of each member following the guideline of ministry of education, youth and sport (MoEYS) and structure of children council are divided as chief, first-vice chief and second-vice chief and 8-point person of sectors (1-Discipline; 2-study and library; 3- First Aid and Social work; 4-Admin and Finance; 5-Disssiminaiton, 6-Fine Art Sport and Culture; 7- Health, Hygiene, Environment and life skills and 8-Club.

Following on structure, operation and role and responsibility of each member and understanding concept of child-to-child approach, the children council has worked together to identify issues or topic in school such as: (1) not respect the school discipline, (2) Health and Hygiene (3) school Environment and library usage and management etc. And then children council prepare the action plan for implement and reflection at the end of the year. This activity is very helpful in school management and development.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

Renaître welcomes children from Roma communities to its centres to provide them with tutoring, enabling them to stay in school and prevent them from dropping out.

Through its support to the children, as well as regular exchanges with school staff, Renaitre ensures a better quality of teaching received by the children.

Renaitre regularly organizes extra-curricular activities aimed at integrating the children into the community: participation in various local events, creative art workshops (greeting cards, floral creations, drawings, etc.), visits to museums, historical sites, outdoor activities, outings to restaurants, candy shops, etc.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

To improve the health, hygiene and nutrition of children and their families, Renaitre regularly donates food parcels (non-perishable foodstuffs, fruit, vegetables, sweets, etc.), sanitary materials (detergents and hygiene equipment), clothing and shoes for all families enrolled in the association’s programs.

Training is provided to both parents and children on topics as varied as hygiene, reproductive and sexual health and family relations.

Meals are served every working day to the children benefiting from Renaitre’s programmes.

Community Development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Renaitre regularly organizes floral creation workshops with the beneficiaries enrolled in the Mother and Baby program. The creations are sold and with the money raised, baby care products are purchased and distributed to the beneficiaries.

Renaitre is one of the main associations that carry out social activity in the city of Orăștie and even in Hunedoara County. In recent years, the director of the association has been part of the accreditation commission, at the level of the Departmental Agency for Inspection and Social Payments – AJPIS Hunedoara, social services and associations that provide social services in Hunedoara County.

Renaitre, as an association that carries out social assistance activities, is still a social service provider. It is the association with the largest number of beneficiaries in Hunedoara Prefecture.


Social inclusion through education

Project Objective

Improving access to education for children from disadvantaged families in Orastie, Geoagiu and Pricaz who are enrolled in the association’s programmes.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The most important activities for our association are:

1. Providing basic food, which is very important for the majority of families. In many cases, the meal that the children eat when they participate in the activities of the association is the only meal they receive per day. That is why one of our main concerns would be to ensure a daily meal for the children enrolled at the Day Centre.

2. Homework support to improve the children’s school situation and thus prevent them from dropping out of school.

Project Beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities
  • School management

Ibda’a engages with local and international networks to exchange skills development and best practices with early childhood development experts. Capacity Development for Early Childhood Educators.

IBDAA implements several cultural and sport activities for children and young of Dheisheh camp, such as singing classes, music classes, basketball or Football.

IBDAA manages a kindergarden for camp children, allowing them to have access to elementary education.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Nutrition
  • Special needs

Diabetes education and support

Public health campaigns

Eye clinic (funding dependent)

Community Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work
  • Income Generating Activities

IBDAA holds meetings between camp’s inhabitants, allowing them to exchange on their daily life. The organization also works as a relay for the youngs, to help them to invest in the local life.

Works on a case-by-case basis with individuals and their families to solve emerging problems

Women’t Embroidery Cooperative helps to generate income for women from the camp through sales targeting international visitors.

Protection from Abuse

  • Awareness
  • Support

Public Campaigns

Individual support and direction to services


The Education, Arts, and Sport Project

Project's objective

Contribute to the educational, creative, and physical development of children and adolescents in Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Palestine.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The Ibda’a Music Academy has grown exponentially over the last year, therefore Ibda’a has adapted our programming to accommodate increased interest. Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas including; language development, increased IQ and improvement in test scores, increased spatial-temporal skills, as well as increased use of the creative side of the brain. The music school will provide youth the opportunity to learn to play the violin, cello, or qanun. Our talented instructors are provided through our partnership with the Edward Said Conservatory for music.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities
  • School management

Promotion of enrolment and support for children and adolescents in the process of entering, staying in and promoting themselves in the education system through the provision of school supplies and uniforms Development of an academic tutorial program. Educational and family follow-up. Support for special educational needs.

Coordination and reciprocal collaboration with educational institutions, providing technical and logistical support for the development of teacher training and updating processes. Policy advocacy to improve the quality of education.

Organization and training of artistic groups in various disciplines (music, theater, plastic arts). Promotion of culture through artistic, cultural and identity fairs. Experiences in art and culture spaces. Sports (organization and training of sports groups, sports meetings). Programs to promote reading, organization of reading clubs, video library.

Formal education: Classrooms of initial education for children up to 5 years old (kindergarten and high school levels). Non-formal education: Vocational training with accreditation from the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFOP) through the development of a modular program in occupational areas (technical, soft skills, employability and entrepreneurship). Vocational and artistic workshops that qualify you in competence for income generation.

Health and nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention

Health care campaigns according to morbidity rates by community, vitamin and deworming.

Information sessions on health, sexual and reproductive issues. Organization of therapeutic groups with workshops on self-care, resilience. Social affective development program with mothers who are victims of violence. Therapeutic meetings between mothers and children.

Community Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Development of organizational processes and training of COFABA in each community (Assembly, appointment of representatives, election of board of directors and organization of the Child to Child, Youth to Youth, LCC).

Visits to accompany and orient families. Mutual support groups for mothers. Social affective development program. Self-care workshops. Training for mothers and fathers.

Protection from Abuse:

  • Awareness

Coordination of actions to prevent violence against children in schools. Elaboration of promotional material against child abuse and mistreatment. Coordination with justice officials to deal with cases of child abuse and maltreatment.


Comprehensive Care for Children at Social Risk in Tegucigalpa

Project's objective

To contribute to the defense and promotion of the rights of children and youth and their families in the Villanueva, Nueva Suyapa and Los Pinos neighborhoods in the city of Tegucigalpa.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Mobile library: This is a strategy for the democratization of books and reading that allows through a vehicle (bibliomobile) equipped with: books, tables, chairs, puppets, theatre, guitar and tent to reach children who live in areas distant from community libraries and without access to sources of information. It has an annual coverage of 3,500 children and young people from different communities, developing activities in the streets, soccer fields and other community spaces, with the main objective of promoting reading, giving joy through a collection of stories with a diversity of titles, as well as musical activities, organized games, theater with puppets; all these actions allow the enjoyment of books and reading, with a reading promoter and a community volunteer who in a team encourage each activity, using innovative techniques of art as an element of expression. It is a strategy of democratization of books and reading that allows through a vehicle (bibliomobile) equipped with: books, tables, chairs, puppets, theater, guitar and tent to reach children who live in areas distant from community libraries and without access to sources of information. It has an annual coverage of 3,500 children and young people from different communities, developing activities in the streets, soccer fields and other community spaces, with the main objective of promoting reading, giving joy through a collection of stories with a diversity of titles, as well as musical activities, organized games, theater with puppets; all these actions allow the enjoyment of books and reading, with a reading promoter and a community volunteer who in a team encourage each activity, using innovative techniques of art as an element of expression. It is a strategy of democratization of books and reading that allows through a vehicle (bibliomobile) equipped with: books, tables, chairs, puppets, theater, guitar and tent to reach children who live in areas distant from community libraries and without access to sources of information. It has an annual coverage of 3,500 children and young people from different communities, developing activities in the streets, soccer fields and other community spaces, with the main objective of promoting reading, giving joy through a collection of stories with a diversity of titles, as well as musical activities, organized games, theater with puppets; all these actions allow the enjoyment of books and reading, with a reading promoter and a community volunteer who in a team encourage each activity, using innovative techniques of art as an element of expression.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirects beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Accès
  • Qualité
  • Gestion d'école(s)
  • Activités extrascolaires

Open class and mobile school for vulnerable children out of regular school.

Teachers/ principals seminar about peace education; Safe spaces in school for girls.

(Angan) community schools for slum children.

Mural painting by children; Children Peace Light Illumination program; TV program promoting peace and non-violence, Asia/Nepal Girl Child Peace Camp.

Community Development

  • Travail social

Women education program, Children Peace Councils.


Alternative Education Program / Children Peace Program

Project Objective

To introduce change making education across groups of vulnerable children and groups

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Mobile School is a school on a bus that travels from one place to another to provide educational access to children. Focusing on learning skills, life skills, health and sanitation and academic requirements, it also acts as a bridge to link children with formal education. The Mobile School is run with the idea that “if children cant come to the school, then the school should go to the children”. Hence, the bus carries learning materials and travels to different spots where children get the space to learn, interact and engage in activities that not only teach them how to read and write but also empowers them.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries



