Community Development
- Community Leadership
- Social Work
- Income generating activities
- Access
- Extracurricular activities
- School Management
Health and Nutrition
- Prevention
Protection against abuse
- Prevention
- Support

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership
Ibda’a engages with local and international networks to exchange skills development and best practices with early childhood development experts. Capacity Development for Early Childhood Educators.
IBDAA implements several cultural and sport activities for children and young of Dheisheh camp, such as singing classes, music classes, basketball or Football.
IBDAA manages a kindergarden for camp children, allowing them to have access to elementary education.
Health and Nutrition
Diabetes education and support
Public health campaigns
Eye clinic (funding dependent)
Community Development
IBDAA holds meetings between camp’s inhabitants, allowing them to exchange on their daily life. The organization also works as a relay for the youngs, to help them to invest in the local life.
Works on a case-by-case basis with individuals and their families to solve emerging problems
Women’t Embroidery Cooperative helps to generate income for women from the camp through sales targeting international visitors.
Protection from Abuse
Public Campaigns
Individual support and direction to services
Project beneficiaries
Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries