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January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


Network's Birth


Le Village d'EVA's Creation


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Advocacy

Through its “street school” initiative, Le Village d’EVA provides basic knowledge and skills to children aged 3 to 16 years-old who are excluded from the formal school system.

Le Village d’EVA advocates for better access to education in Mayotte and engages with the population about children’s rights.

Health and nutrition

  • Prevention

Le Village d’EVA offers a health education program whose aim is to prevent health risks and promote better health practices.

Community Development

  • Social Work

Le Village d’EVA assists families in school enrolment procedures.


Project for school achievement in Mayotte

Projet objective

Contribute to children’s education in Mayotte by improving access to school for those failing school or excluded from the school system, and by raising their awareness about maintaining good health.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE

Protection from Abuses

  • Support
  • Awareness

The child protection operation commences from investigation, fact-finding, child protection, rehabilitation, child development, legal assistance and reintegration.

Developement of Safe community, safe schools, campaign against bullying, promotion of Child right and child protection


Stop Violence against Children

Project objective

To promote the child protection & child safeguarging and to advocate general public, state agencies and private organization to coordinate with CPCR to promote child protection operation.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The Center for the Protection of Children’s’ Rights Foundation (CPCR), a Thai NGO, aims to protect child victims of violence and unlawful cares and provides a resilience service for them and their family members by integrating concerned child protection laws and the multidisciplinary approach. The child protection operation commences from investigation, fact-finding, child protection, rehabilitation, child development, legal assistance and reintegration. CPCR coordinates with a multidisciplinary team by conducting a case conference to support and establish an appropriate rescue plan for child victims. The meeting also aims to summarize the child protection operation and selects the best practice to educate child protection officers and practitioners from state and private organizations, so they understand and adopt a systematic technique from the best practice. Likewise, CPCR promotes a capacity building for the Competent Official under Child Protection Act 2013, child protection officers and practitioners to be able to protect children in their own areas. Moreover, to protect children in holistic ways, the prevention program is another program that CPCR continually coordinates with many sectors. It is the program that aims to build life skills for children and advocate duty bearers – such as family members, schools, communities, volunteers and practitioners – to be able to provide child development, child safety and child safeguarding. With all commitments that CPCR has done, CPCR wants to communicate to all sectors – state organization, private sectors and general public – by establishing many activities and campaigns which aim to invite them to build a caring society for children. At the end, problems of child violence in the society would be diminished. Lastly, in a policy level in Thailand, CPCR is a well-known organization who pushes a systematic child protection operation. In 2012, CPCR had initiated to set up CRC Coalition Thailand. It is a network for all children organizations that aim to facilitate full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Thailand.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management

The organisation supports the functioning of 9 Tin Tua Bilingual Public Schools.

The organisation sets up an improvement of teaching conditions in the 9 Tin Tua Bilingual Public Schools.

The organisation supports the governance of Tin Tua Bilingual Public Schools.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Tin Tua organises STI/HIV awareness and prevention sessions in the villages.

The organisation provides support to the school canteens of Tin Tua’s Bilingual Public Schools.

Protection from Abuses

  • Awareness

Tin Tua fights against forced marriage, abduction and early marriage

Community Development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Community Leadership

Tin Tua accompanies farmers’ groups to empower women.

Tin Tua provides support for community resilience.


Project to improve the internal efficiency of teaching and learning in Tin Tua's Bilingual Primary Schools.

Project Objective

Contributing to the improvement of education in the eastern region of Burkina Faso

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

Accompaniment to schooling and/or vocational training.

Operation of a nursery school dedicated to the children of girl mothers benefiting from Keoogo and the local population.

Organization of an educational summer camp.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Operation of a health centre dedicated to children living in street situations.

Awareness/prevention of STI/HIV among street children.

Support for the operation of reception and accommodation centres for street children.

Protection from Abuses

  • Support
  • Awareness

Identification, support and psychosocial care for street children in Ouagadougou, management of a reception village for girl mothers.

Awareness-raising of child protection actors on good practices, self-protection programme.

Communauty Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Capacity-building for child protection actors, particularly community leaders and parliamentarians, promotion of social cohesion.

Social monitoring and family reintegration of street children.


Project for the reintegration and rehabilitation of street children and young people in Ouagadougou

Project Objective

To improve access to medical and psychosocial care for street children and young people in Ouagadougou through the implementation of a strategy of prevention, access to quality care, rehabilitation and reintegration.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The maraude is a tour organized by Keoogo’s mobile teams, day and night on the various sites where children and young people live in street situations.

Explanatory background

Keoogo has chosen to take into account the objective reality of the street as a living environment. Being in a situation of total or intermittent rupture with their families, the children have created more or less solid links with the street and have integrated other values that reinforce their dependence on this space. In this context, Keoogo reinforces its anchorage with this environment and its trust with the children living there by developing approaches based on street work that allows for a permanent presence in the street .

Objectives of the maraude :

  • To meet children and young people in street situations in their living and working environments, in order to establish contact and maintain bonds of trust with them,
  • To follow the children’s movements on the different sites of life and activities, their itineraries within the city and the country, their frequentations,
  • To collect their personal and collective requests expressed during the exchanges,
  • To provide answers to certain requests studied on a case-by-case basis (need for information / health advice, guidance, etc.).
  • Make referrals to specialized institutional or community resources for their care.

Implementation process of the marauds

The marauds will be organized four times a week. The days are determined according to the periods. They are organized according to the following steps:

  • The constitution of the marauding teams: it is done during the weekly programming meeting of the field teams. This meeting involves all the field workers and the different project managers.
  • Identification of the itinerary to be covered during the marauding: this is done during a preparatory meeting held by the marauding team composed of peer educators, nurses and educators. Once the itinerary has been validated, the marauding team proceeds to take stock of the needs of the marauding (condoms, emergency trunk, technical sheets, torches, logistics, etc.).
  • The field trip: the marauding team goes to meet the beneficiaries through a direct individual exchange or in small groups of two (2) to three (3) depending on the circumstances of their meetings at each site.
  • The offer of primary health care on the street: The care consists in taking care of small wounds and primary health care on the street. Through care, physical contact plays an important role in building trust. It gives a more human dimension to the contact with the child who feels the team’s attention towards him/her. This type of relationship makes it possible to reduce the relational distance, i.e. to favour a certain closeness with the child.
  • Referrals: depending on the needs of the children, several referrals can be made by the marauding team with a view to a specific treatment.
  • A debriefing point: this is done in two steps. First on each site visited before leaving for the next site. The purpose of this debriefing point per site is to pool the information gathered by each team member according to the different sections of the technical data sheets used. Then back in Keoogo, a general debriefing of the marauding is held followed by the synthesis report.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality

Racines promotes and increases the participation of parents in the education of their children (e.g. through the coordination of Parents Associations), the organisation also monitors children who have dropped out of school.

Racines builds the capacity of education actors (teachers, directors, Parents Associations, pedagogical advisors). Racines also works on the improvement of teaching materials, provision of school supplies, tutoring and the participation of children in the governance of schools.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Racines manages the ADIS health centre in Cotonou (HIV/AIDS treatment).

The promotion of health is done at school (by teachers, children and parents), Racines also organizes training for teachers and health committees.

Racines organizes the training and follow-up of women restaurateurs in schools through school canteens (on the nutritional values of food for example) and carries out culinary demonstrations.

Protection from Abuses

  • Awareness

Racines organizes awareness-raising sessions and radio broadcasts and puts a strong emphasis on empowering children to defend their rights.


Project to strengthen educational provision for children in the communes of Savalou and Bantè

Project objective

Helping to improve the educational offer in the municipalities of Savalou and Bantè

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Organization of tutorials in the 36 partner schools for the benefit of children in 5th grade (last primary class): RACINES implements several activities of socio-scholastic support for the children of the partner schools of Savalou and Bantè. Among these activities, the organization of tutorials for the benefit of children in 5th grade classes is a major part. The tutorials are initiated in order to better equip the candidates of the 36 partner schools for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and enable them to face the different tests they will be submitted to in the best conditions. For the first year of the three-year project (2019), 288 sessions have been organized in the schools concerned with very satisfactory and encouraging results. Obtaining the Primary School Certificate is an essential step in the child’s learning process and a main objective for RACINES. The success of the CEP makes it possible to measure the efficiency of all RACINES interventions, as it reflects a change in the school cycle and therefore a change of direction for the child.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partner’s Creation


Partage’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE E

Community Development

  • Social Work

Social workers, present in the MSL centres, constantly monitor the beneficiary families and help them to face their difficulties and find solutions to their problems.


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

The MS works in two neighbourhoods of Beirut, Sin El Fil and Jnah, which are home to many of the poor migrants and refugees in the Lebanese capital. The children in these neighbourhoods come from underprivileged families, often unable to assist them in their studies, and the tutoring offered by the MS helps them stay in school and benefit from their education.

The link made with the schools where the children attend allows a constant follow-up of the difficulties encountered by the pupils, and to offer them support adapted to their problems and constraints. Furthermore, in Jnah, the MSL has organised a kindergarten on its premises for the youngest children.

On Saturdays and during the holidays, the MSL organizes various cultural and sports activities for the children benefiting from its programmes.

Protection from Abuse

  • Awareness

The MSL organizes training and awareness-raising sessions for parents on the themes of positive parenting and intra-family communication.


Around the School: Education and Leisure Activities

Project's Objective

Reduce inequalities in access to education, leisure and civic participation of children and young people in difficulty (girls and boys) by giving them access to quality educational opportunities and social and human support.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

In Lebanon, the school system provides homework and lessons that require support at home. However, the majority of our beneficiary families do not have the necessary level to help them, nor the means to pay for private lessons, nor the quiet place to study. As a result, tutoring is an extra-curricular follow-up carried out at the Social Movement with the aim of promoting the children’s academic success and development. They come from school, have their meals with their friends at the Centres and then begin their studies. The sessions are devoted to the relearning of notions and methods that they have not managed to assimilate. They also include individual follow-up work by the educator who will be able to answer questions from each other, in groups of 12 to 15 students depending on the class. In addition, there is also coordination with schools for more relevant follow-up and social and psychological support to ensure their well-being.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Quality

The training sessions help strengthen the team culture of adults and create educational coherence within the schools.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prévention

Development of adults’ psychosocial skills for pupils.

Protection from Abuse

  • Awareness

The training sessions organized within the schools make it possible to raise the awareness of all school stakeholders on the issues of school harassment and violence.

Community Development

  • Community Leadership

The training sessions help strengthen the team culture of adults and create educational coherence within the schools.


School climate and student achievement, positive conflict management and peer mediation, prevention of bullying.

Project's objective

Contributing to student success by improving the school climate

Presentation of an emblematic activity

” Training in Better Living Together, Positive Conflict Management and Peer Mediation

DURATION The training lasts 21 hours over 3 days

PUBLIC This training in schools (primary and secondary) is aimed at adult educators and all those involved in school life: teachers, CPE, social workers, nurses, school life staff, parents of pupils, etc. It is also intended for the leaders of the teams of Leisure Centres, youth centres, etc. and more generally for all adults accompanying young people. …with a maximum of 14 people per course.

OBJECTIVES To enable education professionals to nurture a team culture, to acquire or improve their interpersonal skills, to learn conflict management and mediation techniques. They will then be able to train students in these techniques.

CONTENT Facilitation is in the form of participatory workshops. Adults experiment with the tools and steps that the young people will go through and then be able to train them. The playful aspect is predominant in this training. The techniques are original and adapted to the age of the young people. It is from this personal enrichment that the material is elaborated, according to the following stages:

1. Self-knowledge: others and me

a) Co-construction of the frame

b) Skills, qualities, values

c) Emotions

d) Needs

2. Communication and listening

a) Rumour

(b) Communication difficulties

c) Listening and reactions

(d) Assertiveness

3. Conflict: escalation or appeasement

(a) Violence

(b) Responses to the conflict

(c) Various points of view – inferences, judgements – interpretations

(d) Mechanism of the conflict

4. Mediation

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE

Community Development

  • Social Work

VOC aims to Family Empowerment through support on Health, Education, Psychosocial, Legal & Economic Development and community development for protection of children with community participation.

Protection from Abuses

  • Support
  • Awareness

VOC rescues and welcomes street connected children in shelters and prepares them for their reintegration in families and communities. VOC supports also sexual abused & vulnerable children.

VOC does research and innovation to spread awareness about child protection (Research on Child Rights issues, innovation for activities, solidarity with child rights agencies, Promotion of child rights, strengthen government child rights mechanism).


Protection of street connected & most vulnerable children of Kathmandu valley

Project Objective

Contribute to support and protection of street connected and most vulnerable children by increasing their capacity and skills keeping them in protective environment

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The project works to protect the street connected and most vulnerable children and prepare them for family and community reintegration by:

  • Providing them basic services- like nutritious food, accommodation, medical services, psychosocial counseling, sanitation & hygiene services, etc;
  • Conducting recreational & awareness activities to raise awareness through the child clubs;
  • Tracing the families of children to reconnect and relationship building with their families and community;
  • Building the capacity of the children through educational and life skills activities;
  • Preparing the children for the reintegration in their families/communities by building the children’s & their families capacity for self-reliant;
  • Reintegrate the children in family and community through family follow-ups and assessment of progress;
  • Networking and coordination with the likeminded organizations to strengthen the child protection mechanism in community with collaboration of municipality.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

VAHATRA promotes access to education through the payment of school fees for beneficiary children.

VAHATRA organizes tutoring sessions.

VAHATRA organizes monthly extra-curricular workshops for children and teenagers.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention

VAHATRA takes care of urgent and serious cases, creation of mutual health insurance.

Protection from Abuses

  • Raising Awareness

Social accompaniment of parents through individualized follow-up at home and participation in regular exchange workshops welcoming different parents.

Community Development

  • Income-generating activities
  • Social Work

Access to micro-credit for families according to a protocol and elaborate follow-up/repayment modalities.

Social support for vulnerable families in relation to their access to micro-credit.


Improvement of the living conditions of children from families that are already partners of the organisation.

Project Objective

Contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of children from families already partners of the organization in the regions of Vakinankaratra and Itasy.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

VAHATRA’s main objective is the sustainable improvement of the living conditions of poor families by promoting the development of their autonomy on the financial and economic, structural, social and health levels. To this end, a methodology based on a global approach to the problems encountered by families has been developed.

The microcredit service thus gives vulnerable families wishing to improve their situation the opportunity to benefit from concrete advice, training and loans to enable them to start or develop an Income-Generating Activity.

A part of the families receiving loans, among whom we identify or who express difficulties such as problems of domestic violence, schooling of children, access to contraception, lack of administrative documents … is supported by social support that allows us to provide concrete responses to the problems they encounter. We thus carry out individual follow-up activities for families at home, social permanence, workshops with children and teenagers, awakening workshops for mothers and their youngest child, educational activities with children and exchanges with their parents.

The economic support, combined with actions and complementary and personalized social follow-up, ensure tangible progress for the families and help them improve their lives and become more independent, despite the difficulties of daily life.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Quality

SARD improves the learning Level outcomes of the children through supporting State Governments (designing the curriculum or Learning enchancement Programme) but also through Capacity building of Mentors implementing district and Block resources team (including teachers), Technology Integration in class room process and promoting e-content, value based teaching, Life skills and Inclusive education.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention

Health covers the following areas –Routine Immunization, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Nutrition awareness, Malnutrition, HIV/AIDs/STI awareness, Eye and Dental camps. SARD does prevention through different thematics : Personal hygiene practices, school and community Sanitation, infrastructure development and advocacy to compliance the Standard operating procedures or the National guidelines of Govt. of India on sanitation, Promoting Behaviour change communication related activities/ events, curriculum on WASH from Pre primary to 5th grade, WASH apps with interactive materials.

Protection from Abuses

  • Awareness

Awareness and protection from abuse is included in all the programme and while designing iEC or advocacy with any agency, it is kept in mind. SARD is also running 24X7 helplines for the children (Promotion of child rights, Child labor reduction, Implementation of Child Policy).

Community development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Social Work

Sustainable livelihood measures through new start-ups and engaging in income generation activities through thrift and credit groups with requisite training, Economic empowerment on a sustainable mode by linking with government schemes, nationalized banks like NABARD and having self-propelling mechanisms in place benefitting mostly women and youth and Develop their entrepreneurial and marketing skills / Youth counselling on to choose right trade for skill building.

Skill enhancement training on soft and hard skills, Linkage with vendors, banks for supporting, Youth counselling.


To contribute in Holistic development of children of slums and villages in Moradabad

Project Objective

By 2021,

*Improve the learning level outcomes of the children enrolled at elementary level,

*Improve the access and quality of maternal and child health services,

* Promote nutrition and WASH practices in schools and communities in Early Childhood Care Centers,

*Promote community based child protection mechanism

*Strengthening organizational communication strategy and portfolio

Presentation of an emblematic activity

* 40 District level key officials of likeminded departments oriented on program goals and convergence,

* 150 students received Remedial classes support,

*96 government school teachers, Block Resource coordinators participated in training and exposures,

* 1614 children and adults received the benefit of Health Check up camps and benefited through free medicines,

* 60 School Management Committee and Child Protection Commitee members were strengthened,

* 38 youths were supported through English proficiency and personality development classes,

*500 beneficiaries reached out indirectly through school enrollment drive,

*35 Early childhood care workers and their supervisors skills were enhance through Quiz competition,

*553 adolescents were strengthened through sessions on issues anaemia and menstrual hygiene management and Access to sanitary napkin,

*130 children participated in Hand washing demonstration and WASH quiz program received WASH kits,

*120 above community outreached through puppet show display on Child labor involved in electronic garbage works.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries



