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Posts classified under: Latin America

October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • School Management
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular Activities

INEPE manages a school with classrooms for early stimulation, basic general education and the unified general baccalaureate through the methodology of popular education.

INEPE carries out constant research work that allows the design, maintenance and promotion of virtual courses accessible to Spanish-speaking teachers.

Weekly multi-age workshops are organised (yoga, aikido, aerial dance, musical ensemble, artistic drawing, painting and handicrafts) as well as a musical talent education programme based on the Suzuki methodology.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Direct Intervention
  • Nutrition

INEPE carries out workshops on sexual education for adolescents and young people.

INEPE provides psychological therapies, counselling, therapeutic and healing processes through alternative medicine for students and their families.

Every year, children and adolescents in vulnerable situations benefit from a healthy daily diet prepared directly in the INEPE canteen and coming for the most part from the organisation’s school and community vegetable garden.


Strengthening the quality of education for the integral development of children and adolescents at the INEPE Education Unit.

Project's Objective

Contributing to the integral and harmonious development of children, young people, adults and communities with limited economic resources in the south of Quito.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project Beneficiairies

Bénéficiaires directs





Indirect Beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities
  • School management

Promotion of enrolment and support for children and adolescents in the process of entering, staying in and promoting themselves in the education system through the provision of school supplies and uniforms Development of an academic tutorial program. Educational and family follow-up. Support for special educational needs.

Coordination and reciprocal collaboration with educational institutions, providing technical and logistical support for the development of teacher training and updating processes. Policy advocacy to improve the quality of education.

Organization and training of artistic groups in various disciplines (music, theater, plastic arts). Promotion of culture through artistic, cultural and identity fairs. Experiences in art and culture spaces. Sports (organization and training of sports groups, sports meetings). Programs to promote reading, organization of reading clubs, video library.

Formal education: Classrooms of initial education for children up to 5 years old (kindergarten and high school levels). Non-formal education: Vocational training with accreditation from the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFOP) through the development of a modular program in occupational areas (technical, soft skills, employability and entrepreneurship). Vocational and artistic workshops that qualify you in competence for income generation.

Health and nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention

Health care campaigns according to morbidity rates by community, vitamin and deworming.

Information sessions on health, sexual and reproductive issues. Organization of therapeutic groups with workshops on self-care, resilience. Social affective development program with mothers who are victims of violence. Therapeutic meetings between mothers and children.

Community Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Development of organizational processes and training of COFABA in each community (Assembly, appointment of representatives, election of board of directors and organization of the Child to Child, Youth to Youth, LCC).

Visits to accompany and orient families. Mutual support groups for mothers. Social affective development program. Self-care workshops. Training for mothers and fathers.

Protection from Abuse:

  • Awareness

Coordination of actions to prevent violence against children in schools. Elaboration of promotional material against child abuse and mistreatment. Coordination with justice officials to deal with cases of child abuse and maltreatment.


Comprehensive Care for Children at Social Risk in Tegucigalpa

Project's objective

To contribute to the defense and promotion of the rights of children and youth and their families in the Villanueva, Nueva Suyapa and Los Pinos neighborhoods in the city of Tegucigalpa.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Mobile library: This is a strategy for the democratization of books and reading that allows through a vehicle (bibliomobile) equipped with: books, tables, chairs, puppets, theatre, guitar and tent to reach children who live in areas distant from community libraries and without access to sources of information. It has an annual coverage of 3,500 children and young people from different communities, developing activities in the streets, soccer fields and other community spaces, with the main objective of promoting reading, giving joy through a collection of stories with a diversity of titles, as well as musical activities, organized games, theater with puppets; all these actions allow the enjoyment of books and reading, with a reading promoter and a community volunteer who in a team encourage each activity, using innovative techniques of art as an element of expression. It is a strategy of democratization of books and reading that allows through a vehicle (bibliomobile) equipped with: books, tables, chairs, puppets, theater, guitar and tent to reach children who live in areas distant from community libraries and without access to sources of information. It has an annual coverage of 3,500 children and young people from different communities, developing activities in the streets, soccer fields and other community spaces, with the main objective of promoting reading, giving joy through a collection of stories with a diversity of titles, as well as musical activities, organized games, theater with puppets; all these actions allow the enjoyment of books and reading, with a reading promoter and a community volunteer who in a team encourage each activity, using innovative techniques of art as an element of expression. It is a strategy of democratization of books and reading that allows through a vehicle (bibliomobile) equipped with: books, tables, chairs, puppets, theater, guitar and tent to reach children who live in areas distant from community libraries and without access to sources of information. It has an annual coverage of 3,500 children and young people from different communities, developing activities in the streets, soccer fields and other community spaces, with the main objective of promoting reading, giving joy through a collection of stories with a diversity of titles, as well as musical activities, organized games, theater with puppets; all these actions allow the enjoyment of books and reading, with a reading promoter and a community volunteer who in a team encourage each activity, using innovative techniques of art as an element of expression.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirects beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

Orientation of school tasks and complementary exercises, group attendance and playful workshops of oral and written language and logical mathematical reasoning, monitoring of school performance (visits to families and schools).

Multiplication workshops held by the project’s adolescents in schools and community associations. Application of human and citizen training workshops in partner public schools.

Reading tent and literary exhibition, artistic and cultural production courses, cross-cutting themes, workshops and sports tournaments, commemorative and birthday festivities, summer camp, talent festival, cultural and leisure outings.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Thematic meetings on Education and development of children and adolescents, sustainability , environment, gender equity, entrepreneurship, health and welfare, “running for health”.

The children have a daily meal at the project, the mothers prepare the snack . Stimulation to plant small home gardens and healthy food.

Community Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Young people in action (youth volunteering), advice and coordination with community associations and other local institutions. Social actions that seek the expansion of citizenship, the construction and expansion of fundamental rights; Workshop on rights and duties, statute of children and adolescents, positive values; culture of peace (drug prevention); guidance to families and referrals.

Family monitoring visits, monthly meetings with families, productive workshops with families. Public Acts: caravans and demonstrations in the communities on dates alluding to the rights of children and adolescents.


Integrated Education

Project's objective

To contribute to the development of cognitive, socio-emotional and physical aspects of children and adolescents from 6 to 15 years of age, in vulnerable socioeconomic situation, inserted in elementary school, that present low school performance or difficulty in the learning process, in the cities of Fortaleza, Granja, and Várzea Alegre.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

“Values workshops” held with children from 6 to 12 years old, with difficulties in living together, socializing and following rules – the workshops are called Attitudes of Good (Social Technology certified -FBB/2017) – aimed at the formation of human values with moral and ethical principles and reflect on: love, friendship, humility, patience, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, truth, peace, respect, union, responsibility, commitment and kindness; and dialogue with the Objectives of Sustainable Development, actions of local solidarity. The workshops are held monthly, with a duration of 50 minutes, during class time, in a space provided by the partner school. Use of pedagogical tools: dynamics, games, videos, relaxation techniques, group work, storytelling, reading and text production, art education (theater, music, puppets). The games and dynamics are directed so that children and adolescents put into practice what they have learned and exercise good practices; develop attitudes of respect and concern for personal and collective well being.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

Accompaniment of external educational institutions so that children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental disorders can be included. Teachers’ workshop to train the teachers of the educational institutions.

Initial education classrooms for children from 18 months to 5 years old.

Realization of artistic and creative activities adapted for children and adolescents with Infantile Cerebral Palsy PCI, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Health and nutrition

  • Special needs

Physical, occupational, language and psychological therapies for children and adolescents with Infantile Cerebral Palsy (ICP) and Neurodevelopmental disorders. Accompanying the parents process.


Specialized care for children with cerebral palsy in education and health

Project's objective

To contribute to a greater number of children and adolescents with Infantile Cerebral Palsy PCI, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, being able to access inclusive integral accompaniment with the participation of their regular peers in the city of Quito

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The most representative annual activity that has allowed us to corroborate and strengthen the socio-emotional and behavioural development of children and adolescents has been the camp project. It takes place at the end of the process, in June or July, and is usually an outing to another province of Ecuador, taking advantage of its beautiful and contrasting regions of the coast, mountains or east, for two or three days, without the parents. This activity has been the pretext for the families to put into play the support to their children from their role, starting from the personal to the economic, there have been common activities to obtain the necessary resources to achieve the exits, they have been supported by the professionals of the San Juan and of the other parents to have the confidence of releasing their children in an experience without their company. In the testimonies of those who have already gone through this experience, we can see the value they give to this project, which has allowed them to see the objectives of the activity crystallised in their children. The main objectives have been:

– To acquire autonomy, self-sufficiency and independence. Strength valid for life.

– To test their way of functioning in life in an environment different from the usual one.

– To promote the ability to adapt to new environments.

– To get to know each child or adolescent in depth in order to continue supporting the deficient areas and boosting individual and group potentialities.

– To continue the support to the socio-affective area in the need that each child or adolescent presents.

Project's Beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries



