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January 3, 2025
January 3, 2025

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


CAEB foundation


Network's Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extra-curricular activities

Community mobilisation to get all boys and girls into school.

To contribute to the quality of education in Benin, the CAEB is setting up a network of eight (8) documentation centres throughout the country. It also contributes to the quality of education through its learning and capacity-building laboratory in English, German and Spanish.

The CAEB works with the players in the education system, namely the Parents’ Associations, to build their capacity in relation to the new architecture of the Beninese education system.

The extra-curricular activities focus mainly on running educational workshops for schoolgirls and schoolboys on the themes of citizenship education and international solidarity, and education on better menstrual hygiene management for girls in secondary schools.

Health and nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

CAEB’s work on nutrition is carried out in the community, in direct contact with women and children aged 0 to 5.

To prevent malnutrition in rural and pre-urban communities, CAEB implements nutritional monitoring activities for children aged 0-5 years. This involves monitoring weight, measuring brachial perimeter and educating pregnant women, mothers and mothers-to-be about high nutritional value food combinations for both mother and child.

The CAEB tackles the issue of nutrition through culinary demonstrations and by raising awareness among mothers and fathers of children. During the demonstration sessions, local products with high nutritional value, ignored or neglected by the communities, are highlighted and cooked in front of the women and tasted by the children. Women are also shown nutritional recovery foods and how to prepare enriched porridge. They are strongly encouraged and supported to reproduce these dishes in their homes.

Protection against abuse

  • Awareness
  • Raising awareness

To publicise its PSEA (Politique de lutte contre le harcèlement et les abus sexuels – policy against sexual harassment and abuse), the CAEB organises discussion, awareness-raising and information sessions for its staff and beneficiaries. These sessions take place in communities or at the various CAEB sites (at the national headquarters and in the branches).

Asos raises awareness of children’s rights.

Community Development

  • Community leadership

As part of the implementation of its project to combat malnutrition, the CAEB has identified and trained village nutrition relays who support the communities in nutritional monitoring activities for children aged 0 to 5. They take over from the CAEB social workers in implementing the activities.


Support for the promotion of citizenship education in schools ‘OVIDAGBE

Projet objective

Help promote children’s civic participation in the life of their school and community in the Ouémé department.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

One of the project’s main activities is running educational workshops for schoolchildren in extra-curricular activities. It’s a fun and educational space, offering children a practical experience that complements and enriches their knowledge of sustainable development and global citizenship. The workshops are run every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm, under the supervision of CAEB facilitators, by trained teachers. The pupils targeted by the workshops are those in CE2 and CM1 classes in each of the ten target schools. They are aged between 8 and 10.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





December 19, 2024
December 19, 2024

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


ASOS's Creation


Network's Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extra-curricular activities

ASOS, in partnership with communities and educational and administrative authorities, is taking action to promote access to basic education for children in precarious situations. This is achieved by improving the school environment and strengthening the education system.

In order to guarantee quality education, ASOS focuses on building the capacity of teachers and improving teaching tools in state primary schools.

ASOS identifies, sets up if necessary, revitalises and provides technical support to local school management structures.

With their ‘entertain to educate’ approach, ASOS conducts fun activities known as ‘bridges’ to promote the integration and return to school of children under the age of 16.

Health and nutrition

  • Indirect intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

ASOS carries out mobile medico-nutritional activities in many districts where there is a nutritional alert. These activities are led by doctors to provide local and inclusive care to vulnerable groups, including children under 5, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly.

The association provides regular medical check-ups for schoolchildren, as well as targeted awareness-raising campaigns on nutritional issues linked to school health.

ASOS treats cases of moderate and severe acute malnutrition and refers complicated cases to nutritional rehabilitation centres.

Protection against abuse

  • Support
  • Raising awareness

ASOS works with care centres to refer cases and provide feedback to the community.

Asos raises awareness of children’s rights.

Community Development

  • Income-generating activities
  • Community leadership
  • Social work

ASOS sets up, trains, supports and accompanies women’s groups and village savings and loan associations.

ASOS indentifie, séléctionne et renforce la capacité des 50 OSC et organisations communautaires de base (OCB) dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar sur le leadership humanitaire.

ASOS is setting up socio-organisers in the communes to observe and support the implementation of community action plans.



Projet objective

CLASSES (Contribution Large à l’Amélioration de la Scolarisation, de la Santé et de l’Environnement des Enfants autour des communautés minières à Sakaraha)

Improving access to quality education and developing initiatives and frameworks favourable to the exercise of children’s fundamental rights.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

To achieve these objectives, the project will seek to respond to the priority needs identified, in particular by improving the school environment (appropriate infrastructure, sanitation, access to water, libraries, etc.), training teachers, strengthening school governance, involving parents, school support programmes and school health, and reducing the cost of schooling to ease family burdens, etc.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
Bénéficiares de ASOS, partenaire de l'association PARTAGE avec les enfants du monde
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage's Creation


Network's Birth


Le Village d'EVA's Creation


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • Advocacy

Through its “street school” initiative, Le Village d’EVA provides basic knowledge and skills to children aged 3 to 16 years-old who are excluded from the formal school system.

Le Village d’EVA advocates for better access to education in Mayotte and engages with the population about children’s rights.

Health and nutrition

  • Prevention

Le Village d’EVA offers a health education program whose aim is to prevent health risks and promote better health practices.

Community Development

  • Social Work

Le Village d’EVA assists families in school enrolment procedures.


Project for school achievement in Mayotte

Projet objective

Contribute to children’s education in Mayotte by improving access to school for those failing school or excluded from the school system, and by raising their awareness about maintaining good health.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE

Protection from Abuses

  • Support
  • Awareness

The child protection operation commences from investigation, fact-finding, child protection, rehabilitation, child development, legal assistance and reintegration.

Developement of Safe community, safe schools, campaign against bullying, promotion of Child right and child protection


Stop Violence against Children

Project objective

To promote the child protection & child safeguarging and to advocate general public, state agencies and private organization to coordinate with CPCR to promote child protection operation.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The Center for the Protection of Children’s’ Rights Foundation (CPCR), a Thai NGO, aims to protect child victims of violence and unlawful cares and provides a resilience service for them and their family members by integrating concerned child protection laws and the multidisciplinary approach. The child protection operation commences from investigation, fact-finding, child protection, rehabilitation, child development, legal assistance and reintegration. CPCR coordinates with a multidisciplinary team by conducting a case conference to support and establish an appropriate rescue plan for child victims. The meeting also aims to summarize the child protection operation and selects the best practice to educate child protection officers and practitioners from state and private organizations, so they understand and adopt a systematic technique from the best practice. Likewise, CPCR promotes a capacity building for the Competent Official under Child Protection Act 2013, child protection officers and practitioners to be able to protect children in their own areas. Moreover, to protect children in holistic ways, the prevention program is another program that CPCR continually coordinates with many sectors. It is the program that aims to build life skills for children and advocate duty bearers – such as family members, schools, communities, volunteers and practitioners – to be able to provide child development, child safety and child safeguarding. With all commitments that CPCR has done, CPCR wants to communicate to all sectors – state organization, private sectors and general public – by establishing many activities and campaigns which aim to invite them to build a caring society for children. At the end, problems of child violence in the society would be diminished. Lastly, in a policy level in Thailand, CPCR is a well-known organization who pushes a systematic child protection operation. In 2012, CPCR had initiated to set up CRC Coalition Thailand. It is a network for all children organizations that aim to facilitate full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Thailand.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


Start of partnership with Partage


  • Access
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

Accompaniment to schooling and/or vocational training.

Operation of a nursery school dedicated to the children of girl mothers benefiting from Keoogo and the local population.

Organization of an educational summer camp.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

Operation of a health centre dedicated to children living in street situations.

Awareness/prevention of STI/HIV among street children.

Support for the operation of reception and accommodation centres for street children.

Protection from Abuses

  • Support
  • Awareness

Identification, support and psychosocial care for street children in Ouagadougou, management of a reception village for girl mothers.

Awareness-raising of child protection actors on good practices, self-protection programme.

Communauty Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Capacity-building for child protection actors, particularly community leaders and parliamentarians, promotion of social cohesion.

Social monitoring and family reintegration of street children.


Project for the reintegration and rehabilitation of street children and young people in Ouagadougou

Project Objective

To improve access to medical and psychosocial care for street children and young people in Ouagadougou through the implementation of a strategy of prevention, access to quality care, rehabilitation and reintegration.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The maraude is a tour organized by Keoogo’s mobile teams, day and night on the various sites where children and young people live in street situations.

Explanatory background

Keoogo has chosen to take into account the objective reality of the street as a living environment. Being in a situation of total or intermittent rupture with their families, the children have created more or less solid links with the street and have integrated other values that reinforce their dependence on this space. In this context, Keoogo reinforces its anchorage with this environment and its trust with the children living there by developing approaches based on street work that allows for a permanent presence in the street .

Objectives of the maraude :

  • To meet children and young people in street situations in their living and working environments, in order to establish contact and maintain bonds of trust with them,
  • To follow the children’s movements on the different sites of life and activities, their itineraries within the city and the country, their frequentations,
  • To collect their personal and collective requests expressed during the exchanges,
  • To provide answers to certain requests studied on a case-by-case basis (need for information / health advice, guidance, etc.).
  • Make referrals to specialized institutional or community resources for their care.

Implementation process of the marauds

The marauds will be organized four times a week. The days are determined according to the periods. They are organized according to the following steps:

  • The constitution of the marauding teams: it is done during the weekly programming meeting of the field teams. This meeting involves all the field workers and the different project managers.
  • Identification of the itinerary to be covered during the marauding: this is done during a preparatory meeting held by the marauding team composed of peer educators, nurses and educators. Once the itinerary has been validated, the marauding team proceeds to take stock of the needs of the marauding (condoms, emergency trunk, technical sheets, torches, logistics, etc.).
  • The field trip: the marauding team goes to meet the beneficiaries through a direct individual exchange or in small groups of two (2) to three (3) depending on the circumstances of their meetings at each site.
  • The offer of primary health care on the street: The care consists in taking care of small wounds and primary health care on the street. Through care, physical contact plays an important role in building trust. It gives a more human dimension to the contact with the child who feels the team’s attention towards him/her. This type of relationship makes it possible to reduce the relational distance, i.e. to favour a certain closeness with the child.
  • Referrals: depending on the needs of the children, several referrals can be made by the marauding team with a view to a specific treatment.
  • A debriefing point: this is done in two steps. First on each site visited before leaving for the next site. The purpose of this debriefing point per site is to pool the information gathered by each team member according to the different sections of the technical data sheets used. Then back in Keoogo, a general debriefing of the marauding is held followed by the synthesis report.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE

Community Development

  • Social Work

VOC aims to Family Empowerment through support on Health, Education, Psychosocial, Legal & Economic Development and community development for protection of children with community participation.

Protection from Abuses

  • Support
  • Awareness

VOC rescues and welcomes street connected children in shelters and prepares them for their reintegration in families and communities. VOC supports also sexual abused & vulnerable children.

VOC does research and innovation to spread awareness about child protection (Research on Child Rights issues, innovation for activities, solidarity with child rights agencies, Promotion of child rights, strengthen government child rights mechanism).


Protection of street connected & most vulnerable children of Kathmandu valley

Project Objective

Contribute to support and protection of street connected and most vulnerable children by increasing their capacity and skills keeping them in protective environment

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The project works to protect the street connected and most vulnerable children and prepare them for family and community reintegration by:

  • Providing them basic services- like nutritious food, accommodation, medical services, psychosocial counseling, sanitation & hygiene services, etc;
  • Conducting recreational & awareness activities to raise awareness through the child clubs;
  • Tracing the families of children to reconnect and relationship building with their families and community;
  • Building the capacity of the children through educational and life skills activities;
  • Preparing the children for the reintegration in their families/communities by building the children’s & their families capacity for self-reliant;
  • Reintegrate the children in family and community through family follow-ups and assessment of progress;
  • Networking and coordination with the likeminded organizations to strengthen the child protection mechanism in community with collaboration of municipality.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Partner’s Creation


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Access
  • Quality
  • School management
  • Extracurricular activities

Maeecha promotes access to education through the operation of the Maeecha Community School of Adda (ECMA), the distribution of school kits to the 12500 pupils of Nyumakele and thanks to the operation of the Maeecha Vocational Integration Centre.

Maeecha organizes initial and in-service training for teachers as well as support for pedagogical supervisors.

Maeecha organises the strengthening of school management through school councils.

Maeecha organizes activities to awaken the children of Nyumakele.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition
  • Special needs

Maeecha takes care of urgent health cases.

Maeecha organizes awareness sessions on school and family hygiene.

Food support in two canteens ECMA and Mrijou.

Maeecha organizes teacher training on inclusive education in the 25 PPEs of Nyumakele.

Community Development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Community Leadership

Support to women harvesters from Ylang to Moheli.

Local development programme in Moroni (communes of Mitsamiouli and Nyumakomo).


Support programme for quality inclusive education in the Nyumakele Region, involving local stakeholders.

Project Objective

Helping to improve the educational offer in Nyumakele

Presentation of an emblematic activity

In order to provide access to schooling for the most disadvantaged but also to involve the community in the management of the school, MAEECHA supports parents and school councils to subscribe to the educational policy carried by the Ministry of National Education, aiming at structuring public pre-elementary education with the involvement of the community and communes.

This support contributes to the achievement of goal 4 of sustainable development: “Ensure equal access to quality education for all and promote opportunities for lifelong learning”, in particular target 4.2: “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development and care services and to pre-school education that prepares them for primary education”.

Therefore, MAEECHA has set up a range of actions to achieve this objective

  • Regular sensitization of the community on the need to enrol children from the age of 4 years in nursery classes in order to promote access to education for all;
  • Encouragement of parents and school principals to enrol children before the start of the school year, while respecting the ratio defined by the education authorities;
  • Stimulation of parents to take the initiative in supporting nursery school teachers in the smooth running of classes.
  • Commitment by parents to closely monitor their children’s education and to develop a real partnership of proximity with teachers, principals and school councils.
  • Commitment by parents to pay regular contributions to enable the school to operate independently but also to pay the salaries of female teachers who are not integrated into the civil service.
  • Organisation by the pedagogical service of regular initial and continuing training of instructors on classroom practice,
  • Regular organization of close monitoring Thanks to these actions:
  • The number of kindergarten classes has increased from 18 in 2017 to 28 classes in 2020…
  • Kindergarten enrolments increased from 407 to 830 between 2014 and 2020.
  • Gender parity for girls and boys has been stabilized at equal parity since 2015.
  • Pupils move on to the first grade with significantly higher skills and achievements than other pupils who did not attend kindergarten.
  • Nyumakele instructors are models in the eyes of their counterparts on the island, and are called upon to accompany training courses in the regions.
  • Parents are more attentive, participate and get involved in the organisation of extra-curricular activities, especially school outings and end-of-year celebrations”.

Project Beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirects beneficiaries





July 6, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Extracurricular activities

HSF organizes family camps and field trips, nature and groups activity at the Tasala Learning Center.

Health and Nutrition

  • Nutrition

HSF distributes powder milk to support the mothers.

Protection from Abuses

  • Direct intervention
  • Awareness

HSF does intervention when there are family crisis, but also psychological Support and alternative care as per needs.

HSF does prevention of child abandonment and neglect and abuse in schools and families through talking groups and individual follow-up meeting.

Community Development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Social Work

Developement of family vegetables gardens, short-term loan for family’s IGA, development of saving groups, sewing and cutting workshops.

Family strengthening: Bio-psycho-social monitoring and follow up (Counseling, guidance, supervision through home visit, school visit, office visit), Psychosocial follow-up and supervision, Development of child caring & parenting skills, In-kind/in-cash support, Empowerment of parents and children.


Family Rehabilitation & Family Preservation at Nakhon Si Thammarat

Project Objective

To contribute to strenghen the family unit of families in crisis and those with difficult circumstances in order to prevent child abandonment and maltreatment

Presentation of an emblematic activity

HSF Family Rehabilitation & Family Preservation Program work directly with families and communities to help them to effectively protect and care for their children, in cooperation with local authorities and in collaboration with concerned public and private organizations on the ground. HSF Family Rehabilitation & Family Preservation Program target vulnerable families to prevent crises that can in the worst case scenario lead to child abandonment. The programs offered enable parents to better care for their children through: skills training, income generating initiatives and community development programs. Our Family Rehabilitation & Family Preservation Program ensures that children have access to essential services, support families to protect and care for their children. The program also strengthens support systems for vulnerable children and their families within the community. HSF offers families support in the short, medium and long-term. They do this in order to not only meet the more immediate needs of families and vulnerable children, but also to support families to become self-sufficient and to reach the long-term goal of the local community having the ability to support vulnerable families without the assistance of HSF.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities
  • School management

Ibda’a engages with local and international networks to exchange skills development and best practices with early childhood development experts. Capacity Development for Early Childhood Educators.

IBDAA implements several cultural and sport activities for children and young of Dheisheh camp, such as singing classes, music classes, basketball or Football.

IBDAA manages a kindergarden for camp children, allowing them to have access to elementary education.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prevention
  • Nutrition
  • Special needs

Diabetes education and support

Public health campaigns

Eye clinic (funding dependent)

Community Development

  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work
  • Income Generating Activities

IBDAA holds meetings between camp’s inhabitants, allowing them to exchange on their daily life. The organization also works as a relay for the youngs, to help them to invest in the local life.

Works on a case-by-case basis with individuals and their families to solve emerging problems

Women’t Embroidery Cooperative helps to generate income for women from the camp through sales targeting international visitors.

Protection from Abuse

  • Awareness
  • Support

Public Campaigns

Individual support and direction to services


The Education, Arts, and Sport Project

Project's objective

Contribute to the educational, creative, and physical development of children and adolescents in Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Palestine.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The Ibda’a Music Academy has grown exponentially over the last year, therefore Ibda’a has adapted our programming to accommodate increased interest. Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas including; language development, increased IQ and improvement in test scores, increased spatial-temporal skills, as well as increased use of the creative side of the brain. The music school will provide youth the opportunity to learn to play the violin, cello, or qanun. Our talented instructors are provided through our partnership with the Edward Said Conservatory for music.

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries



