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July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

Year of Creation and Start of Partnership


Partage’s Creation


Partner’s Creation


Start of partnership with Partage


Network’s Birth


Network’s Renewal through the launch of Partage RISE


  • Quality

The training sessions help strengthen the team culture of adults and create educational coherence within the schools.

Health and Nutrition

  • Prévention

Development of adults’ psychosocial skills for pupils.

Protection from Abuse

  • Awareness

The training sessions organized within the schools make it possible to raise the awareness of all school stakeholders on the issues of school harassment and violence.

Community Development

  • Community Leadership

The training sessions help strengthen the team culture of adults and create educational coherence within the schools.


School climate and student achievement, positive conflict management and peer mediation, prevention of bullying.

Project's objective

Contributing to student success by improving the school climate

Presentation of an emblematic activity

” Training in Better Living Together, Positive Conflict Management and Peer Mediation

DURATION The training lasts 21 hours over 3 days

PUBLIC This training in schools (primary and secondary) is aimed at adult educators and all those involved in school life: teachers, CPE, social workers, nurses, school life staff, parents of pupils, etc. It is also intended for the leaders of the teams of Leisure Centres, youth centres, etc. and more generally for all adults accompanying young people. …with a maximum of 14 people per course.

OBJECTIVES To enable education professionals to nurture a team culture, to acquire or improve their interpersonal skills, to learn conflict management and mediation techniques. They will then be able to train students in these techniques.

CONTENT Facilitation is in the form of participatory workshops. Adults experiment with the tools and steps that the young people will go through and then be able to train them. The playful aspect is predominant in this training. The techniques are original and adapted to the age of the young people. It is from this personal enrichment that the material is elaborated, according to the following stages:

1. Self-knowledge: others and me

a) Co-construction of the frame

b) Skills, qualities, values

c) Emotions

d) Needs

2. Communication and listening

a) Rumour

(b) Communication difficulties

c) Listening and reactions

(d) Assertiveness

3. Conflict: escalation or appeasement

(a) Violence

(b) Responses to the conflict

(c) Various points of view – inferences, judgements – interpretations

(d) Mechanism of the conflict

4. Mediation

Project beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries





May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020


  • Access
  • Quality
  • Extracurricular activities

Renaître welcomes children from Roma communities to its centres to provide them with tutoring, enabling them to stay in school and prevent them from dropping out.

Through its support to the children, as well as regular exchanges with school staff, Renaitre ensures a better quality of teaching received by the children.

Renaitre regularly organizes extra-curricular activities aimed at integrating the children into the community: participation in various local events, creative art workshops (greeting cards, floral creations, drawings, etc.), visits to museums, historical sites, outdoor activities, outings to restaurants, candy shops, etc.

Health and Nutrition

  • Direct intervention
  • Prevention
  • Nutrition

To improve the health, hygiene and nutrition of children and their families, Renaitre regularly donates food parcels (non-perishable foodstuffs, fruit, vegetables, sweets, etc.), sanitary materials (detergents and hygiene equipment), clothing and shoes for all families enrolled in the association’s programs.

Training is provided to both parents and children on topics as varied as hygiene, reproductive and sexual health and family relations.

Meals are served every working day to the children benefiting from Renaitre’s programmes.

Community Development

  • Income Generating Activities
  • Community Leadership
  • Social Work

Renaitre regularly organizes floral creation workshops with the beneficiaries enrolled in the Mother and Baby program. The creations are sold and with the money raised, baby care products are purchased and distributed to the beneficiaries.

Renaitre is one of the main associations that carry out social activity in the city of Orăștie and even in Hunedoara County. In recent years, the director of the association has been part of the accreditation commission, at the level of the Departmental Agency for Inspection and Social Payments – AJPIS Hunedoara, social services and associations that provide social services in Hunedoara County.

Renaitre, as an association that carries out social assistance activities, is still a social service provider. It is the association with the largest number of beneficiaries in Hunedoara Prefecture.


Social inclusion through education

Project Objective

Improving access to education for children from disadvantaged families in Orastie, Geoagiu and Pricaz who are enrolled in the association’s programmes.

Presentation of an emblematic activity

The most important activities for our association are:

1. Providing basic food, which is very important for the majority of families. In many cases, the meal that the children eat when they participate in the activities of the association is the only meal they receive per day. That is why one of our main concerns would be to ensure a daily meal for the children enrolled at the Day Centre.

2. Homework support to improve the children’s school situation and thus prevent them from dropping out of school.

Project Beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries





Indirect beneficiaries



