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Posts classified under: Education

June 11, 2024

Our partner INEPE, in association with several other child protection organisations and networks, has produced a report entitled : ‘There is nothing to celebrate on Children’s Day’ – An alternative report on Ecuador’s compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent 2024.  This report reports on the exchanges with 560 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17. It is an opportunity for them to express their views on the situation of children and adolescents and to tell more on their recommendations made to the Ecuadorian government to guarantee their rights (report available in spanish).

January 11, 2024

A capitalization project in Lebanon on digital learning

Supported by the Agence Française de Développement, the Fondation de France and PARTAGE, the Mouvement Social Libanais worked with communities in Beirut, Lebanon, from 2021 to 2023 through the LINK1 project, helping to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities affected by the Lebanese crises through multi-sectoral support activities.

This document is the result of a capitalization work carried out by the Lebanese agency 360Consulting on digital learning experimented in the three centres of the Social Movement : Borj Hamoud, Jnah and Sin-el-Fil.

May 15, 2023

Key lessons for improving distance education… or rethinking face-to-face pedagogy

Most of the distance education practices capitalised on in this document were put in place in the context of the crisis linked to the COVID 19 pandemic. An almost ‘forced’ transition to e-learning led PARTAGE RISE member organisations to innovate by inventing new ways of doing things to provide responses and ensure continuity of learning.

  • This period has demonstrated the capacity of PARTAGE RISE members to adapt to a new context; to rethink their pedagogy and to propose original solutions. One can speak of a real “pedagogical resilience”.
  • This period was also a period of intense learning for all: teachers, parents, children. Everyone at their own level showed adaptation, capacity for change and creativity. All of these elements were crucial in adapting the learning arrangements.

The lessons, know-how and interpersonal skills developed during this period, but also discovered during the capitalisation, can be reused to define or enrich new teaching strategies.

They will allow :

  • To be better equipped to face possible crises (improve or set up proposals and distance education systems);
  • To renew pedagogical practices in the classroom, based on the rediscovery of distance education, which forces us to rethink education and the place of children.
December 8, 2020

Ce document est une capitalisation réalisée par Bandos Komar au Cambodge, en base à leur expérience dans la réalisation de leur plan stratégique 2020-2024 il permet d’en comprendre le processus, les pratiques inspirantes et les enseignements tirés.

Bandos Komar met aussi à disposition les termes de référence de la réalisation du plan stratégique, il décrit les responsabilités et étapes dans le processus de création du plan.