The communication network of the association COMPARTIR presents “A story from the neighborhood.”
The children and youth of the Communication Network of the Compartir Association present the short film “A Story from the Neighborhood: Sofia, a Young Girl with Dreams.”
The story begins with Alejandro Fonseca’s report that sets the scene by indicating where Sofia’s story takes place. Sofia helps her mother in the sale of tortillas, which is why she cannot go to school.
One day, the girl’s mother gives her good news: Sofia is enrolled in the educational system.
Scene: apologizing to Sofia for harassing her
Scene: selling tortillas to future classmates
Unfortunately, the young girl is harassed at school for selling tortillas to
to help her mother. The main teacher notices the bullying that Sofia suffers and decides to conduct a social experiment, promoting respect, empathy and equality.
The story, scenario and scenes are the ideas of the young participants of the communication network.
Actors :
-Sofía played by Diana Castejón;
-Doña Martha played by Tatiana Reyes;
-Brayan played by Jefry Gonzáles;
-Carlos played by Edwin Arévalo
-Professor Anny played by Sara Castejón
-The journalist played by Alejandro Fonseca
-Cesia Chávez -Patrick Castejón