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AGACC in Brazil

AGACC in Brazil


AGACC - The right to freedom of expression


In the Jardim União neighborhood, the teenagers of the Integrated Education Project prepared a graffiti workshop¹, with individual and collective productions.

The teacher Raquel and the youth planned an artistic intervention and created a mural with words, symbols and colors that represent them. They chose the theme of “Culture of Peace” and the paintings focused on children’s rights. The youth were very excited to be able to mix colors, use spray paint and see the panel take shape.

I participated in the graffiti workshops and really enjoyed it. I enjoyed learning how to draw in different spaces and not just on a piece of paper. Since I had never painted before, not even on my bedroom wall, I had a lot of fun letting my imagination run wild. Teacher Raquel, who we call “Kel,” taught me that the walls in my city have many stories to tell and much art to enjoy.

Kauan Kauê, 13 ans.

Fresque sur les droits de l'enfant de l'AGACC au Brésil

Children’s and young people’s television news to celebrate the CRC

Dans le quartier de Jardim União, les adolescents participent à un atelier de graffiti pour les droits de l'enfant