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September 14, 2021

The Partage RISE website is now online !

After months of work, the Partage RISE  website is finally online! This site aims to keep all members informed of the network’s news.

Thanks to the “our members” page, you will be able to find a database of all the members of the network, sorted by geographical area or by theme of intervention! This page links to the individual sheets, written by each member, presenting quickly the organisation and the activities carried out in the field. Do not hesitate to contact your referent program officer if you wish to make changes to your member sheet!

Through the page “our resources” you will have access to different tools, capitalisation and methodologies produced by the different member organisations of the network. Those documents are, as far as possible, translated into the different working languages of the members. If you wish to share internal resources or productions with other members, please contact Partage! We can take care of the translation of the documents but also, if appropriate, organise video-conferences of presentation open to all members.

It is planned that the site will be linked to a quarterly newsletter to keep you informed of news and new resources put online.